Consummate travelling hitchhikers that they are, thrift shops tend to be bed bug paradise. Everything bed bugs travel on makes its way through thrift shops over and over again. All it takes to kick off an infestation is one person accidentally bringing an infested item, Trojan horse-like, into the shop. Once they’re in, bed bugs spread out to all the beds, furniture, and clothing they can scuttle over to. Then, you buy one of these infested items, take it home, and… you see where this is going.
A horror story like that is almost enough to make you want to give up thrift shopping for good. Fortunately, we don’t think you have to do that. Instead, by taking a few extra precautions, you can ensure no bed bugs make the migration from thrift shop to home. These are the ten best anti-bed bug tips you can follow when you’re out thrifting. Follow these rules diligently, and you won’t have to worry about the bed bugs biting after a successful day shopping.