Plunkett's Pest Control & Varment Guard Have Merged
Dear Valued Clients
We are pleased to announce that, as of February 2018, Plunkett’s Pest Control and Varment Guard Environmental Services will be operating as one.
Throughout 2017, these family-owned companies prepared for Plunkett’s to acquire Varment Guard. As of February 1, 2018 that transition was made complete.
Together We Can Do More... For You!
What This Means For Our Clients
- Service quality will remain top-notch and you will benefit from some nice improvements in our service process.
- Your cost for service is not changing.
- Our clients and our employees remain our most important priorities.
- The Varment Guard name and logo will be refreshed, but we’re retaining the best of who we are.
- The merger has motivated us to upgrade several of our business processes, which means improvements in scheduling, communication, and billing options. (Sorry, we still have to bill you. :))
Your Invoices Will Look A Little Different...
You’ll notice that the invoices will look a little different and the Plunkett’s name will now appear on the invoices. If you receive invoices via email, they will be coming from a different email address – [email protected].
What We've Learned Throughout The Merger
Our companies are more alike than different:
- We care deeply about keeping family values in our business.
- Our clients drive us. Without them, we don't exist.
- Our collective experience in our industry is 137 years of accumulated knowledge and earned trust!
- We’re all proud of what we do. It may be just pest control to some, but to us it’s a passion, and the result is consistently remarkable service.
Wildlife & Bird Service
If you’re looking for Wildlife & Bird Services, please visit Varment Guard’s website.

All Other Pest Control
If you’re looking for General Pest Control and all other pest services, please stay on Plunkett’s Pest Control.

Family Owned And Operated
Over 100 years strong... our family protecting yours!
It’s been proven that a family-owned business will consistently outperform almost every other type of business. Family-owned firms are more stable, have a longer time horizon and tend to have a high level of trust and commitment – both to employees and customers – because how the company behaves reflects the family’s personal integrity. For three generations, Plunkett’s has been living proof of all of the above and more.