Fungi, Moisture, and Decay Pests

“Fungi, moisture, and decay” pests are pests that flourish in wet, humid, or moldy environments. They love rotting wood, damp corners, plumbing leaks, drafty, secluded crawl spaces, and any other overlooked, humid environment. Maybe they eat mold, maybe they reproduce in water, or maybe they just need humidity to feel comfortable. Whatever the reason, these are the pests that love darkness, dampness, humidity, and mold.
There are all kinds of different humidity-loving pests. Some of these pests are simple nuisances, while others can inflict more significant health or property damage. Whatever your fungi, moisture, and decay pest, you’ll want to learn how to get rid of it. The best way to learn to get rid of your pest problem is to identify it. Click on any of the common fungi, moisture, and decay pests to learn more.