Varied Carpet Beetle Pest Control
Are you dealing with a varied carpet beetle infestation? Schedule a service today to keep your home pest-free!
The Varied Carpet Beetle: What Is It?
The varied carpet beetle (Anthrenus verbasci) is a common stored product pest found all over the world. It is particularly common in the Midwest of the United States. The name references the wide variety of colors found on the back of its wing covers (elytra).
If you have a varied carpet beetle infestation in your home, contact Plunkett’s Pest Control right away!

What Do Varied Carpet Beetles Look Like?
Adult Carpet Beetles
Varied carpet beetle adults are 1/16 to 1/8" long. Their bodies are oval-shaped and black. Adults have a distinctive pattern of beige, black, yellow, and white scales on their pronotums (upper front portion of the thorax) and elytra (wing covers). The underside of an adult beetle’s body is covered with grayish-yellow scales.
Carpet Beetle Larvae
Varied carpet beetle larvae are about 1/8 to 1/4" long and pill-shaped. They’re tan or brown in color and covered in long hairs or bristles. Like other larvae, they appear to have distinct, caterpillar-like body segments. It can be difficult to tell one end of the larvae from the other, but the tail end tapers off slightly.

Varied Carpet Beetle Life Cycle
Varied Carpet Beetle Eggs
Female carpet beetles lay 35 to 100 white, oval eggs in cracks and crevices near a food source. These eggs hatch in one to three weeks depending on environmental temperature. After hatching, larvae begin eating.
Larvae undergo six to 12 instars before reaching pupation. Pupation occurs on the food source and lasts two to three weeks. Upon emerging, the adult varied carpet beetle immediately seeks mates and places to lay eggs. Adult varied carpet beetles have a short lifespan after emerging.
Varied Carpet Beetle Stages
Varied carpet beetles exist in larval form for most of their lives. These beetles remain in larval form for almost two years—depending on environmental factors.
Unfortunately, the beetles inflict all of their damage during the larval stage of their development. The warmer and more hospitable the environment, the faster the beetle will grow and transform.
Varied Carpet Beetle Diet & Nesting: Outside
Varied carpet beetle adults are usually found outside during warm weather, infesting flowers to feed on pollen. Female beetles often seek out bee, wasp, and spider nests as egg-laying sites.
Varied Carpet Beetle Diet & Nesting: Inside Homes
Varied carpet beetle larvae feed on a wide range of animal and plant materials. This includes wool, carpets, furs, hides, feathers, horns, bones, hair, silk, fish meal, insect pupae, and dead insects, as well as plant-based products like rye meal, corn, red pepper, cacao, and cereals. Dried insect remains are a particular favorite.
Adults often gather near windows in spring. Disturbed larvae stiffen their hair tufts and spread bristles, forming a defensive ball. Indoors, newly hatched adults avoid light until most egg-laying is complete, while outdoor adults are typically drawn to light.

Varied Carpet Beetle Damage: What are the Signs of an Infestation
If you think you may have a varied carpet beetle infestation, look for these signs:
- Presence of Larvae. Look for larvae in dark, hidden areas like under furniture, along carpet edges, or in clothing folds.
- Presence of Adult Beetles. Adults are attracted to light and may be found near windowsills, light fixtures, or lamps.
- Shed Skins & Fecal Pellets. As larvae grow, they shed their exoskeletons. These brown, papery skins are a clear sign of
- infestation. Tiny fecal pellets resembling coarse grains of sand may also be present.
- Small Holes in Fabric or Carpets: Check for irregular holes or thinning areas in carpets, clothing, and other fabrics. Damage often occurs in less frequently disturbed areas, such as beneath furniture or in attics.
- Allergic Reactions. In some cases, individuals may experience allergic reactions to larval hairs, resulting in rashes or respiratory irritation.
Varied Carpet Beetle Control & Prevention
To prevent and remove a carpet beetle infestation, you need to find out where they’re eating and prevent them from getting to the food source. Do this by:
- Looking for sites around your home that may contain the remains of overwintering or nesting pests. Clean up pest remains.
- Looking for cracks and crevices varied carpet beetles could use to access these areas and seal them up.
- Practicing diligent sanitation. Clean carpeting thoroughly, especially in secluded, dark areas.
- Keeping dining and food preparation areas clean at all times. Never leave dishes out after meals or let crumbs pile up.
If you happen to find beetles, clean them up with a vacuum cleaner. Throw out the vacuum cleaner’s bag when you’re done.

The Plunkett’s Varied Carpet Beetle Control Process
When we treat for varied carpet beetles, we focus on two primary goals:
1. Removing the Current Infestation. To do that, we track down all the areas where the beetles eat and breed. We’ll clean out all the beetles currently in the home and clean all infested materials.
2. Ensuring They Can’t Get Back In. We start by figuring out how they got in the first time and seal off any access points. Then, we may treat cracks, crevices, structural voids, and other at-risk areas with residual insecticide dusts or aerosols. These insecticide products will help prevent varied carpet beetles from coming back in or breeding inside.
Get Rid of Your Carpet Beetle Infestation For Good!
If you think you have a varied carpet beetle infestation, get in touch with Plunkett’s Pest Control right away. The longer you have varied carpet beetles, the more entrenched they get and the more damage they can inflict. Let us know as soon as you find them and we’ll wipe them out.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do varied carpet beetles bite?
No, varied carpet beetles do not bite. However, their tiny hairs can sometimes cause skin irritation or allergic reactions in sensitive individuals.
Are varied carpet beetles dangerous?
Varied carpet beetles are not directly dangerous to humans, as they do not bite or transmit diseases. However, their larvae can cause significant damage to fabrics, carpets, and stored goods by feeding on natural fibers and organic materials. Get in touch with Plunkett’s if you think you’ve got a varied carpet beetle infestation!
Do varied carpet beetles fly?
Yes, adult varied carpet beetles can fly. They are often attracted to light and may enter homes through open windows and doors during their search for food or breeding grounds.
Can varied carpet beetles damage my belongings?
Yes, the larvae of varied carpet beetles feed on natural fibers, such as wool, silk, and leather. They can also damage stored food, taxidermy, and other organic materials if left unchecked.
Do varied carpet beetles infest year-round?
While they are more active in warmer months, varied carpet beetles can infest homes year-round, especially in heated environments. Regular monitoring and prevention are key to keeping them at bay.