Every fall, rodents infiltrate thousands of homes and cause thousands of dollars of damage. If you want to stop rodents from wreaking havoc in your home, it’s helpful to gain an understanding of their behavior.
Why Are Rodents So Active in the Fall?
Rodents are active in the fall because they are busy finding ways to survive the winter. To do that, they need a place that is warm where they can also access a regular food supply. Unfortunately, your home is a great option.
How Do Rodents Get Inside My House?
Rodents can smell food from far away and through barriers (like insulation and walls). That, combined with their ability to find tiny cracks and gaps to sneak inside, makes it relatively easy for them to get into your space. Mice can fit through a hole ¼ inch in diameter, while a rat can fit through a hole ½ inch in diameter.

Once inside, rodents generally seek out hidden, secluded areas (attics, behind appliances, within the walls, and more) where they can go unnoticed.
The Dangers of a Rodent Infestation: Why are they a Problem?
It is well known that rodents can ruin food and make a mess. But did you know they can be dangerous, too? Mice and rats gnaw on vulnerable material to keep their teeth sharp.
Unfortunately, this material often includes electrical wires. Rodents frequently chew through electrical cords in homes and cars. Their gnawing wears away at the cord’s insulation and exposes dangerous live wires. Exposed wiring could spark, starting dangerous and damaging electrical fires.

Mice and rats actively seek out soft material they can chew on. Cardboard, plastic, fabric, paper, Styrofoam, insulation, and even wood are fair game. They make the material part of their nest. This often takes place behind a home’s walls.
If you have a rodent infestation, you should take action by contacting a professional pest control company, like Plunkett’s, to remove it immediately.
How to Prevent Rodents: 10 Tips
To keep rodents out, you have to find and seal off all the gaps they use to sneak in. Here’s how:
- Install door sweeps on all exterior doors.
- Replace the doors’ weatherproofing and seal any cracks you see with caulk.
- Check the windows. Replace the window weatherproofing annually, caulk cracks in the frames, and make sure the windows sit properly. Feel for drafts to know where possible gaps may exist.
- Pay special attention to areas around your home where utility lines enter the structure. Seal gaps around these entrances with caulk or steel wool.
- Don’t forget to seal up the garage. Make sure rodent-favored areas (like your basement and attic) stay clean, open, well-ventilated, and as dry as possible.
- Repair plumbing leaks or other sources of moisture and humidity.
- Keep pantry food in airtight, sealable, hard plastic boxes.
- Clean the areas where you prepare and store food regularly.
- Inspect boxes, bags, and other packages before you unpack them in your home.
- Store your firewood at least 20 feet away from the home.

Stop a Rodent Infestation in its Tracks: Call Plunkett’s
If you need some help controlling or preventing a rodent problem, get in touch with Plunkett’s Pest Control. Our experts can help wipe out your rodent infestation and keep it away for good. With a little awareness and some help from the pros, you can have a rat- and mouse-free winter!