Why spider webs are amazing

What spider webs are

How spider webs are made

What spider webs are for

- The Major Ampullate gland Spinneret: Anterior. Silk: This gland produces “dragline” silk, which forms the outer rim and spokes of webs.
- The Flagelliform gland Spinneret: Posterior. Silk: “Viscid” or “flagelliform” silk, which spiders use to create the sticky spiral rows of their webs.
- The Aggregate gland Spinneret: Posterior. Silk: A “glue-like” silk used to aid in capturing prey alive. This gland is unusual because it produces glue-like droplets along with its silk.
- The Minor Ampullate gland Spinneret: median anterior. Silk: A basic silk that’s used as temporary scaffolding during web construction.
- The Cylindrical gland Spinneret: median posterior. Silk: “Tubiliform” silk, which the spider uses to create protective eggsacs.
- The Aciniform gland Spinneret: median posterior. Silk: “Aciniform” silk, used to wrap up and secure freshly capture prey.
- The Piriform gland Spinneret: anterior. Silk: used to connect other types of silk together, to create a stable web.