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stink bugs smell

As you waft in the sweet aroma of flowers and fresh cut grass this spring, a pungent odor may accompany some of your favorite smells. The time has come for some of winter’s hideaway creatures to emerge — and stink bugs are no exception. More specifically, brown marmorated stink bugs are making their way out of the cracks and crevices in and around your home after a winter of hibernation. Not only do they present themselves as somewhat menacing-looking critters, they also carry the capability to stink up an area when they’re frightened or threatened.

What are stink bugs?

Brown marmorated stink bugs are a relatively new pest to the area. They weren’t introduced into the United Stated until 1996 when they were brought from Asia, but they’ve extended themselves quite a welcome and have spread quickly throughout the country. Shaped like small shields, stink bugs are typically ½ to ¾ inch long and sport a mottled brown or grey color. It’s tempting to squish the creatures when they come near, but you could be in for quite the ordeal if you choose to act as such. The stink bugs will release an odor similar to rotting vegetables when they’re started or crushed. The critters will enter homes and huddle along areas such as windowsills and other warm places where they can bask in the sunlight. When you see one resting on your bathroom windowsill, don’t panic. They’re not a threat to humans, but they are capable of congregating in large numbers and can be a large annoyance to property owners, especially when they enter in the fall and leave in the spring. Don’t worry about too many extra guests — the bugs won’t reproduce inside homes or cause structural damage. They also won’t bite humans or pets, so there’s no need to frantically reach for the chemicals or extreme methods to eliminate the critters. For farmers, though, stink bugs are causing frustration. As agricultural pests, stink bugs feed on fruits in orchards, as well as vegetables and ornamental plants.

What can I do?

If you do uncover a few stink bugs in your home, be careful how you deal with the issue. If you’re not careful, you might avoid visiting your own home. If you choose to vacuum the stink bugs, they will still often produce the pungent odor. If you crush them, that’s a sure sign that you’d rather not breath the air around you. Instead, it’s best to release the critters without crushing or threatening them. Just when you think you’ve gotten rid of a few, more could emerge. It’s best to contact the professionals to completely and safely rid your home or property of brown marmorated stink bugs. Not only do they have the right tools, they have the experience and expertise. If you’re looking to solve your stink bug problem, contact Plunkett’s Pest Control. You can trust our family owned and operated business to take care of the problem in a timely and efficient manner. Give us a call today to learn more or to schedule a service!

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