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The bad news:  You’ve got spiders in your house.

The good news: They’re probably not poisonous and, despite the myth, you won’t eat them in your sleep.

Spiders are a common household pest. Their creepy appearance can be startling and their reputation has been inflated by stories and movies, but the truth is, spiders are mostly harmless. But that doesn’t mean you want them in your house, especially if there are a lot of them.

Spiders can lay 100s of eggs at a time, which is why it’s important to act quickly. If you’re looking to keep your home from becoming an arachnid nursery, we’ve got the expertise to help. Plunkett’s knows how to get rid of spiders in houses, businesses, and beyond! When you’re in need, we offer comprehensive spider pest control. Don’t let a fear of spiders stop you from taking action today!

Signs of Spider Infestation in Your House

The signs of spiders in your home are relatively straightforward. Once you start looking, your spider sense might start tingling more! Here’s a checklist of major spider evidence to be on the lookout for:

  • Webs. Every basement has a web or two (or more) but if you notice an increase in the amount of spider webs in your home—especially in areas where you don’t normally see them—it’s time to become more concerned about potential spider issues. Keep in mind that some species of spider make small funnel shaped webs vs the typical ringed web.
  • Egg sacs. Egg sacs are tiny silk-wrapped balls. They can hold anywhere from 2-200 baby spiders and are usually laid in dark quiet places.


  • Flying insects. Increased bug traffic in your home could be a calling card to local spiders that the buffet is open. Stop these pests before a spider infestation gets out of hand.
  • Humidity. Spiders prefer dark, moist areas like basements. In fall, when weather becomes cooler and drier, spiders are more likely to move to a more comfortable environment.
  • Spider bites. Spiders don’t bite humans aggressively, but they will in self-defense. You may unknowingly be bitten when you reach into a closet or cupboard where a spider is hiding. Unless they’re from a poisonous spider, most spider bites will look like other insect bites – a small red, potentially itchy bump.

How to Get Rid of a Spider Infestation

Spiders enter your home for two reasons: food and shelter. If you deprive spiders of these two things, it’s likely they’ll find somewhere else to set up shop. Getting rid of common house spiders may not be that difficult! Here are some simple steps you can take to make your lodgings less appealing to these eight-legged creatures:

  • Repair cracks and holes. Spiders can enter through the tiniest crack. Check your home periodically and fill in places where gaps have appeared. This goes for your roof as well; spiders can climb and access high areas via tree branches. Also repair screens on doors and windows.
  • Vacuum. Your vacuum cleaner is like the Excalibur of spider prevention weaponry. Vacuuming up webs, egg sacs and even spiders, vanquishes them for good.
  • Keep it clean.  Like vacuuming, a clean home discourages spiders from becoming too cozy. They prefer cluttered environments where they can easily hide and where other pests are plentiful to feast on. A clean home has little to offer spiders.
  • Check your basement. Because they are quiet, dark and damp, basements are the most common places to find spiders. Don’t overlook your basement the next time you clean your home!
  • Natural deterrents. There are natural solutions you can spray around your home to deter spiders. Turns out spiders don’t care for the smell of peppermint, eucalyptus or tea tree oil. Mix up a solution and spray in suspected areas. White vinegar works too.
  • Sticky traps. Commercial traps attract and ensnare spiders and other insects. You just have to deal with the traps afterward.
  • Get help from the professionals. If you want a fool-proof way to get and keep spiders out of your space, the best way is to hire a professional pest control team. DIY methods can work, however, if you’re looking for peace of mind with any type of pest infestation, schedule a service with Plunkett’s today.

How to Keep Spiders Away: Plunkett’s Pest Control

If you’re fed up with the spiders in your home, contact Plunkett’s! Our technicians can get rid of all types of house spiders. We know how to get rid of spiders in basements, attics, and anywhere else they might be hiding. Trust Plunkett’s for expert spider control.


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