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spiders in wet spring

If you’ve noticed an increase in the amount of spiders in your home this fall you are not alone. Last month Plunkett’s own “Spider Man” Nick Puchtel took a moment in between pest control services to discuss how the wet spring is the reason for the increased spider activity this fall. As Nick relayed to, this year’s past spring was indeed a wet affair that resulted in higher than normal insect levels. This in turn created a veritable buffet for spiders as they prey on mosquitoes, flies and other insects they capture in their web. So what do you do if you are fed up with spiders and their webs hanging all over your home or cabin? Eliminate the elements that attract them in the first place.


Discourage spider activity by preventing their dinner from entering your home. Try installing yellow light bulbs that don’t attract as many insects and sealing cracks in the foundation and around doors and windows. Other pest proofing measures include replacing torn or damaged screens and adding chimney caps over open chimneys.


Running a dehumidifier in the basement and other areas prone to moisture may reduce the number of spiders inside. You should also repair any leaking pipes and dripping faucets.


Boxes, piles of newspapers and bags of clothes as well as other clutter are suitable hiding places for spiders. Organizing storage areas and discarding items no longer in use will remove harborages for this pest. For more pest control tips or to find out how our residential pest control services can get rid of spiders and other household pests in and around your home, please contact us today. As a longtime Minnesota pest control company serving Minneapolis, Lincoln and the Quad Cities as well as much of the Midwest we are ready to help you solve all your pest problems; contact us today!

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